04.10: Knowledge for a Better World? Our Role in the Occupation of Gaza

Vi ønsker velkommen til et møtemøte om det okkuperte Palestina og på Gaza. Selveste Mads Gilbert kommer og deler sin kunnskap med oss, så ta turen innom Gløshaugen torsdag 4. oktober for et spennende foredrag.
Foredraget vil bli holdt på engelsk, og det blir servert kaffe.
Vi gleder oss til å se dere der!
Kart: http://bit.ly/2QMhXSs

We’d like to proudly welcome you to a meeting about the occupation of Palestine and the situation in Gaza. We are excited to announce that we will be joined by Mads Gilbert, who will share his renowned wealth of experience with us on this important matter.
So please join us at Gløshaugen on the 4th of October for what promises to be a stimulating and illuminating talk.
The talk will be held in English and coffee will be served.
We very much look forward to seeing you all!
Map: http://bit.ly/2QMhXSs